Upload your own data for identifying your hydraulically calculated system. Made of 1/16" acrylic, this will meet your needs for identifying hydraulically calculated systems per NFPA 13. All text is engraved onto the acrylic providing a permanent, waterproof sign.
If your company has not had a design established, please contact us at info@northwestmill.com to get setup.
- 1/16" acrylic
- Nominal 8x11
- 1/8" Dia mounting holes
Template for uploading data. Select your company/office when ordering, which will update the "Installed by" section at the bottom of the plate.
Send completed excel template to info@northwestmill.com
Per NFPA 13 Requirements, this sign meets all of the following criteria:
25.5 Hydraulic Design Information Sign
25.5.1 The installing contractor shall identify a hydraulically designed sprinkler system with a permanently marked weatherproof metal or rigid plastic sign secured with corrosion resistant wire, chain, or other approved means.
25.5.2 The sign shall include the following information:
1. Location of the design area or areas.
2. Discharge densities over the design area or areas.
3. Required flow and residual pressure demand at the base of the riser.
4. Occupancy classification or commodity classification and maximum permitted storage height and configuration.
5. Hose stream allowance included in addition to the sprinkler demand.
6. The name of the installing contractor.